16 January 2012

Things we like IX, or, why I'm willing to stick it out till the apocalypse

1) Edward Gorey’s AMAZING ENVELOPES;

2) The sensation of not having died in a plane crash;

3) When aforementioned yet still relatively obscure Hungarian authors try to suddenly go all hipster on you (“I’m sure I could name ten new rock groups from 2011 that you haven’t even heard of”), and you can retort (at least in your head), “With all due respect, Mr. Krasznahorkai, two erotic gay photographers from Berlin introduced me to Joan as Police Woman in 2007 when we [my friend and I] were circumstantially obligated to share a group train ticket with them,” and not be exaggerating. 

4) Charlie Chaplin AND Buster Keaton IN THE SAME FILM

4) The beautiful things Robert Downey, Jr.’s hair must be doing under that hat:

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